Selection Trials


The selection trials take place on Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 January and you must be available to attend the given session for your school if you wish to have an opportunity to get into the training programme.  Each session is 2 hours and will take place at the AELTC Community Tennis Centre, 216 Grand Drive, Raynes Park, SW20 9NB.

Participating schools have been allocated to one of the four sessions taking place across the two days (see below).  Session timings are 10:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00 on both days.  Only nominated students should attend, with a reserve attending only in the event a nominated student is ill or injured on the day and we should be advised of this replacement as soon as possible.

Candidates are assessed across four areas:

  • Fitness (including speed and endurance)
  • Skills (Feeding, rolling and receiving)
  • Knowledge (based on the content of Modules 1-8)
  • Court work (acting as a base or centre; demonstrating your knowledge of the game, court reference points and skills during a simulated match)

More information on key aspects within these areas will be advised under Selection Criteria in due course.


Saturday 13 January 



Holy Cross


St Cecilia's


The Beacon

The Hall

Wimbledon High

Saturday 13 January


Grey Court

Harris Academy, Wimbledon

John Fisher

Putney High

Ricards Lodge


Sacred Heart

Tiffin Girls

Sunday 14 January


Harris Academy Merton

Overton Grange

Raynes Park

Surbiton High





Sunday 14 January




Harris Academy, Morden

Sunbury Manor

Sutton Grammar

Sutton High

Tiffin Boys

Wimbledon College

Students attending the January trial should note the following:

  • You should arrive at the venue in plenty of time, but not more than 30minutes before the start of the session
  • You should attend in your school PE kit, ensuring your shirt is tucked in, hair tied back and you are not chewing, wearing make up or jewellery.  It can get cold in the dome, especially if you have short periods of inactivity so you should also bring a sweatshirt with you.  You are welcome to wear trackuit bottoms should you wish to do so.
  • You should bring with you clean trainers that you intend to wear on the indoor court surface.  These trainers should not be worn on route but changed into when told to do so.  Your laces should be double knotted for the session
  • Please also bring with you some water
  • On arrival you will be given a number to identify you for the trial.  This needs to be pinned on your short (one on the front and one on the back) with two pins diagonally
  • The format of the trial will be explained at the start and it will be very clear what is expected of you throughout.  If you are in any doubt of what is required, then you should ask before the task/drill begins
  • No talking is permitted unless you are asking a question
  • Ensure you address all members of staff as 'Sir' or 'Miss' as you would do at school

And finally...

Every year the difference between those who gain a place in the programme and those who don't is often decided by very small margins when looking at the final places.  This means that things such as talking, not tucking your shirt in, arriving late, can and will make the difference.  These may seem minor things to you, but everything we do is underpinned by detail and discipline.  We set our standards very high and make no apology for that. 

If you are lucky enough to be one of the chosen students to attend the trial, you must arrive with the intention to give your 100% effort at all times; it's ok to be nervous but on this occasion you need to be bold, dynamic and decisive in everything you do.  This is not about just doing enough and going through the motions; remember, there are three other selection trials you are not at, so you have to stand out.